Grey Delisle Griffin

Grey Delisle Griffin is a voice actor well known for characters such as Daphne from Scooby-Doo, Frankie from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Mandy from The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, Vicky from The Fairly OddParents, Sam from Danny Phantom, and Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender. She was a really sweet person as I told her of being a huge fan of her work. I also got her autograph of Azula.

Jess Harnell

Jess is a rock star singer and voice actor known for characters such as Wakko from Animaniacs, Captain Hero from Drawn Together, Ironhide from the Transformers movies, Joe Tabootie from ChalkZone, the voice over for America's Funniest Home Videos, and the co-founder and singer for the rock band Rock Sugar. Here's my ChalkZone Double Dozen CD autographed by him.

Tress MacNeille

Tress MacNeille is a voice actress known for characters such as the cat lady from The Simpsons, Mom from Futurama, Babs Bunny from Tiny Toon Adventures, Dot from Animaniacs, Grandma from Hey Arnold!, and Hama from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Here's my Hey Arnold complete series DVD autographed by her.

Rob Paulsen

Rob Paulsen is one of my all time voice actors as some of you may remember from my top 10 Nickelodeon male role models. He has voiced numerous characters such as Raphael from the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Donatello from the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Yakko, Pinky, and Dr. Scratchnsniff from Animaniacs, Carl Wheezer from Jimmy Neutron, and the host of a podcast called Talkin' Toons with Rob Paulsen. Here's my autograph of the Talkin' Toons logo.

The final autograph I gotten at Megacon are from Rob Paulsen, Tress MacNeille, and Jess Harnell as the characters Yakko, Wakko, and Dot from Animaniacs, one of my favorite animated shows of all time and one of my major influences.

Other highlights including hanging out in the game room playing the new Super Smash Bros. for the WiiU, Mario Kart 8, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and Halo 4, and seeing the huge Lego city featuring trains, buildings, and more. I don't think I'll be going back to Megacon anytime soon since it took over 4 hours of a drive and it was very draining. However, there might be a chance of going to Florida Supercon again, who knows.
That's all for now. Hope to see you around Old School Lane soon.
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